Saturday, April 9, 2011

..rain rain and more rain

Rain, Rain and more Rain....

well, today seems to be a blah day and after the "oh NO" day from yesterday, It's NOT helping my mood at all. I tried to sleep in but my sweet little daddy's girl princess decided she had to go at 7am lol. Off and on storm showers, talking to my friend did help some. I am still in my sleeping clothes, haven't even started on house cleaning, and am STILL on this computer! lol

I didn't sleep very well last night. My nephew stayed over a friends house so I had the whole house to myself, which didn't mean anything. I didn't do anything. Man this weather has me thinking and singing the yuckies today.

Also, I guess I am more annoyed with how fake some people are (WOW that is out of left field). It's really sad how for some people to feel wanted or love they have to be fake. OH and don't think I don't know you "talk" about me behind my back. I know who my real friends are, you don't have to be "nice" to me cause you feel "sorry" for me.

and... if a "man" brags about having money, then that means he has NOTHING! (this is going out to someone I love) Wake UP, RED FLAGS EVERYWHERE!

thought: I can hear the birds singing #it's all about the little things.

Spring time: allergies, green grass, warmer temps and rain, rain and more rain!


  1. It's funny that you mention "fake" people because I am currently going through something similar with my bff of 20+ years. She is about to get demoted to say the least.
    My allergies have been horrid! I did read that TN/KN are the worst in the nation for allergies. Bleh!

  2. hey girl! yea i am too finding out about "fake" ppl too, its sad and it hurts at the same time...
